Please contact your Representative Immediately and ask them to protect churches!


For over 30 years churches have been free to operate child care ministries without government control or being licensed by the government!   Churches must still meet fire codes and sanitation regulations.

**This Freedom Is Under Attack!**

On April 3 the Family, Child and Human Affairs Committee amended Senate Bill 305 to give new massive and unprecedented power over churches to a state agency, The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA)!

The state agency, FSSA, supports this attempt to harm churches in Indiana!

**Here are Just 3 Things the Amendment to SB 305
Would Do to Harm Churches!**

  1. FSSA will be given new power to close a church child care ministry without a court order! 
  2. A new criminal penalty is created, whereby a pastor could be charged with a crime, go to jail and pay a fine if he doesn’t operate his church ministry the way the government tells him to! 
  3. FSSA can force a church to pay a fine of up to $1,000 if the church does not operate the church ministry the way the government tells them to!

Important Fact – If the government can control a church child care ministry then the next step could be to go after other ministries involving children including a summer camp, Christian school, Vacation Bible school or Sunday school!

The Churches of Indiana Need Your Help!

  Urgent Action Required!  
Please call or email your State Representative Immediately with the following message:

“Please help stop the attack on churches!  Vote to take out the language added to Senate Bill 305 on April 3 to give FSSA massive new power and control over church child care ministries.”

(Click Here) to find out who your legislators are.

House of Representatives
1-800-382-9842    or    317-232-9600

Click Here to make a contribution.  Make a tax deductible contribution
of $35, $50, $100 or more to help Advance America
continue to lead the effort at the State House to protect families,
protect churches and defend traditional Values!