All of the other proposals dealing with reforming the property tax system talk about controlling local government spending.  There is no question that more controls need to be placed on spending at the local level.  However, spending must also be controlled at the state level.


If state government spending increases are limited to inflation and population growth – this would be about 3% – then the revenue coming in over and above that amount could be put in a property tax elimination fund which would be available to help replace property taxes when they are eventually eliminated.


For the past several weeks whenever a new proposal to reform the property tax system has been presented to the citizens of our state, missing from every one has been a limit on state government spending.  It appears that the legislators want to impose spending controls on local government officials but they don’t want to impose spending controls on themselves!


Advance America has been advocating controlling state government spending for over 10 years.  A major part of our proposal to repeal property taxes involves controlling state government spending.  If the proposal to control local government spending is good enough for local officials then it’s good enough for state officials too!