sc lottery

In order for the citizens to be able to vote on the amendment to protect marriage between one man and one woman, two separately elected legislatures must pass an identical resolution.

When Representative Pat Bauer is the Speaker of the House, the marriage amendment dies!

This happened in 2004 and in 2007. In order for the people to vote in November, 2008 the General Assembly must pass it in 2008.

Speaker Bauer, according to information from WISH-TV in Indianapolis, on October 19, stated that there would be no time for the Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage (SJR 7).

He then stated that the House of Representatives would not be “distracted by any side shows.” Speaker Bauer’s statements are unfortunate! To many Hoosiers, along with the staff of Advance America, protecting marriage is worthy of the time the legislature would take to consider it and it definitely is not a “side show.” Advance America will continue to help lead the effort to amend the Indiana Constitution to protect marriage between one man and one woman and to ban court ordered same sex civil unions.