More Evidence of the Loss of Religious Freedom in Indiana!

Another legal analysis is now available about the devastating loss of religious freedom that took place this year in the 2015 Indiana General Assembly!

Analysis by Attorney Michael Farris

Farris240x3401Michael Farris is imminently qualified to analyze the legislation passed by the 2015 Indiana General Assembly that resulted in a major loss of religious freedom in Indiana.

Here is some background information about Michael Farris:

  • Mike is an attorney that has argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court as well as before many federal circuit courts and state appellate courts.Mike was the co-chair of the drafting committee that prepared the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act that was passed by Congress in 1993 and signed into law by then President Bill Clinton.
  • Mike is the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College in Virginia.
  • Mike is the Founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association.

Highlights of Analysis by Michael Farris!

Here are Just 3 Highlights:

The last section of his analysis entitled, “The Amended Indiana Law” clearly points out the devastating impact on religious freedom inflicted on Hoosiers by the 2015 Indiana General Assembly!

  1. Indiana now has less religious freedom protection than citizens in 30 other states!
    “Because of the passage of Senate Bill 50, Indiana citizens will now have less protection     for religious freedom than do citizens in the 30 other states that have a RFRA either by statute or case law.”
  2. Indiana now has the lowest legal standard in the nation for religious liberty!
    “Rather than creating parity with federal law, Indiana was forced by demagoguery into adopting the lowest legal standard in the nation for religious liberty.”
  3. Indiana now places a higher value on same sex marriage than religious freedom!
    “We have seen national business entities use their clout in a clearly coercive manner to force the legislature of Indiana to conclude that same-sex marriage is a higher value than religious freedom.”

ScreenHunter_399 May. 07 12.29Advance America will continue to inform Hoosiers around the state that religious freedom was lost in the 2015 General Assembly.

(Click Here) to make a tax-deductible contribution to help us get the truth to the people of Indiana about the loss of religious freedom!

Remember: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmond Burke